From the President

Determining Abortion Risk

How can a medical pregnancy center determine the risk a woman has in getting an abortion? If a woman arrives ...

Abortion and the State of America

A friend of mine wrote a blog post recently about atheism and intellectual honesty which I enjoyed. Apparently he received ...

Effective Leadership=Reading the Right Things

It has been said that 'leaders are readers' primarily because leaders are thinkers. But what kind of things are leaders ...

Pregnancy Center 1st Amendment Rights Restricted

New York City Council Bill No. 371 violates the First Amendment Rights of certain pregnancy centers in each of the ...

Bill of Rights for Women Facing Unintended Pregnancy

Due to the polarizing nature of the political climate concerning abortion in America, women facing unplanned pregnancy are at high ...

Former Planned Parenthood Exec Blows Whistle

Former Planned Parenthood executive resigned after having a change of heart regarding abortion in late 2009. Her book "unPlanned" is ...

Improving Mission Effectivness for 2011

As executives we face a myriad of daily challenges. Everything from dealing with individual client issues, staffing challenges, donor communications, ...

Pregnancy Centers in Real Danger

We learned a lot by CompassCare testifying at a hearing of the New York City Council yesterday. For my official ...